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world food programme

3 articles publiés reliés à cette étiquette

thiffanie rodriguez

How my experience at the WFP reinforced my desire to work in development policies

Thiffanie Rodriguez, currently in Master 2 International Public Management is passionate about education, especially in education in emergencies. Between the third and last semester of her Master’s, she took a gap year to explore the different facets of education worldwide. After an internship and a consultancy at the Directorate of Education of the OECD, she completed a 3-months internship with the World Food Programme Myanmar Country Office. Read her feedbacks about her experience.
Emily / WFP

My internship at the WFP in Tadjikistan

Sciences Po has a partnership with the World Food Programme. In 2016-2017, five students from Sciences Po had the chance to do an internship in one of the WFP offices. A very selective process, as 22 positions were offered worldwide… Sciences Po did really well placing five students! Interview with Emily ter Steeg, student in M2 International Security, Sciences Po/LSE double degree

My internship at the WFP: how I had a small impact on food insecurity in Ethiopia

Sciences Po has a partnership with the World Food Programme. In 2016-2017, five Students from Sciences Po had the chance to do an internship in one of the WFP offices. A very selective process, as 22 positions were offered worldwide… Sciences Po did really well placing five Students! Interview with Marella Fenker, currently in Master 2 International Public Management,about her internship with the World Food Programme in Ethiopia

Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
Créée par deux diplômés de la promotion 2020 de l'Ecole de droit : Agnès de Fortanier (master Droit économique) et Thomas Harbor (double diplôme Sciences Po HEC), What's up EU est une newsletter qui propose un résumé hebdomadaire concis, bien documenté et informatif des actualités importantes de l'Union Européenne. Questions à Augustin Bourleaud, étudiant du double diplôme Sciences Po / London School of Economics qui supervise depuis septembre 2022 la newsletter.
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