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world food programme

3 articles publiés reliés à cette étiquette

thiffanie rodriguez

How my experience at the WFP reinforced my desire to work in development policies

Thiffanie Rodriguez, currently in Master 2 International Public Management is passionate about education, especially in education in emergencies. Between the third and last semester of her Master’s, she took a gap year to explore the different facets of education worldwide. After an internship and a consultancy at the Directorate of Education of the OECD, she completed a 3-months internship with the World Food Programme Myanmar Country Office. Read her feedbacks about her experience.
Emily / WFP

My internship at the WFP in Tadjikistan

Sciences Po has a partnership with the World Food Programme. In 2016-2017, five students from Sciences Po had the chance to do an internship in one of the WFP offices. A very selective process, as 22 positions were offered worldwide… Sciences Po did really well placing five students! Interview with Emily ter Steeg, student in M2 International Security, Sciences Po/LSE double degree

My internship at the WFP: how I had a small impact on food insecurity in Ethiopia

Sciences Po has a partnership with the World Food Programme. In 2016-2017, five Students from Sciences Po had the chance to do an internship in one of the WFP offices. A very selective process, as 22 positions were offered worldwide… Sciences Po did really well placing five Students! Interview with Marella Fenker, currently in Master 2 International Public Management,about her internship with the World Food Programme in Ethiopia

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