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A variety of career options

Stands au Forum Sciences Po Entreprises 2016
Sciences Po has been educating public and private sector decision-makers working in France and worldwide for 150 years.

From their first undergraduate year to completion of a Master's degree, 14,000 students of more than 150 nationalities acquire the fundamental knowledge and professional skills they will need to excel in senior positions in a constantly changing international environment. According to our last graduates' employability survey, one year after graduation, our young graduates start their career :

  • 65% in the private sector
  • 20% in the public sector
  • 12% in international organisations

For two years, our 7 graduate schools deliver to 6,000 master students a range of programmes defined by their specialised professional focus and offer them a variety of career options.

 Strategy/Development, Audit/Consulting, Finance

 Career opportunities:

  • Consulting and audit firms,

  • Banking and finance industries, or in corporate management, strategy and business development positions,

  • Financial regulatory authorities.

School of Public Affairs
Paris School of International Affairs
School of Management and Impact

 Public Administration & Politics


Career opportunities :

  • EU institutions,
  • National and local government authorities in France,
  • Large companies that do business with public authorities or focus on European issues.

School of Public Affairs
Paris School of International Affairs
 Law School
Urban School
School of Research

 Human Resources & Employee Relations

Career opportunities:

  •  Public or private organisations in fields such as HR development (recruitment, university relations, education, career management, etc.), HR studies, HR communication or employee relations,
  • Recruitment firms, human resource consulting firms or in corporate management positions.

School of Public Affairs
School of Management and Impact

Marketing & Communication

Career opportunities:

  • Organisations looking to publicise their activities, mission or products, from NGOs to multinational corporations, media outlets, public institutions, fashion houses or industrial manufacturers,
  • Consulting firms specialised in communications, marketing and advertising,
  • Start your own business.

School of Management and Impact 

 Press, Media & Publishing

Career opportunities:

  • Television, radio, press agencies, newspapers, the web, etc.

School of Public Affairs
School of Journalism
School of Management and Impact
School of Research

 International Cooperation & Development

Career opportunities:

  • World governance,
  • Organisations, including both non-governmental organisations and intergovernmental,
  • Organisations such as the OECD, UN, IMF, WTO, World Bank, etc.

School of Public Affairs
Paris School of International Affairs
Law School
Urban School
School of Research

 Economics & Legal Careers

Career opportunities:

  • Barristers or solicitors,
  • Legal departments of major companies,
  • Legal experts in European or international organisations, both governmental and non-governmental.

School of Public Affairs
Law School

 Careers in Urban Affairs

Career opportunities:

  •  Consulting firms, architectural firms and design offices,
  • Local governments or international organisations, development or urban planning agencies, and in property development,
  • Social housing and real estate.

School of Public Affairs
Urban School

 Research & Think Tanks

Career opportunities:

  • Academia,
  • Research institutions,
  • Think tanks.

School of Public Affairs
Paris School of International Affairs
Urban School
School of Research


Career opportunities:

  • Start-ups, as a manager or lead entrepreneur,
  • Projects within public or private organisations.

All Master's programmes, with the support of:

Sciences Po Entrepreneurs (fr)


Last modified 2022-07-19
Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
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