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Careers: 2021 Graduates, Where Are They Now?

As part of our annual Graduate Employability Survey, we reached out to our 2021 graduates to know more about their careers. The answers given by more than 2400 alumni confirm that Sciences Po graduates remain as excellent and employable as ever. Read the key findings of this year’s survey.

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  • 9 in 10 graduates who decided to enter the workforce are now in employment (just like last year).
  • 87% of these found their first job within six months of graduating.
  • 35% are working outside of France.
  • The average gross annual salary (excluding bonuses) has risen to €42K (compared to €40K for the Class of 2020). Outside of France the gross annual salary (excluding bonuses) is €45K.
  • 84% of young graduates that were surveyed and who are working said they are satisfied or very satisfied with their job.


84% of graduates decided to enter the workforce, 13,6% have gone on to further study and 3% decided not to enter the workforce immediately.

Of the graduates who did decide to enter the workforce, 9 in 10 are now working (in either a stable job, an internship, as entrepreneurs or as trainee civil servants). This figure remains stable in relation to last year's survey, confirming the consistent appeal of the Sciences Po degree and the strengths of the university’s curriculum.

Waiting times for jobs remain short: 87% of Sciences Po graduates found work within six months (compared to 80% in 2022  survey, class of 2020 ), while 47% were hired prior to graduating.

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Last modified 2024-04-18
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