Homepage > More than 90 employers will participate to Sciences Po Career Fair on Friday 28th of September

More than 90 employers will participate to Sciences Po Career Fair on Friday 28th of September

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Sciences Po Careers Fair will be held on Friday, September 28th 2018 from 10am to 5pm at the Cité de la Mode et du Design. More than 90 employers will be present to meet students and recent graduates and recruit them in firts jobs or internships in diverse sectors and positions.

You are a student or a recent graduate ?

Registration for the fair is mandatory 

You are an employer ? 

Registrations are close, for any further information please contact us

auditing consulting
-> 23 companies


industries services luxury distribution transports environnement
-> 16 companies

banking finance insurance :
-> 20 companies

media press communication entertainment:
-> 10 companies


7 public administrations


7 international organizations, NGOs


10 Start up

Cette Famille


Last modified 2018-09-21
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