Homepage > 19 - 22 april : Research Career week

19 - 22 april : Research Career week

Research Career week
What does a researcher's job involve? Whether they work in academic or applied research, researchers contribute to the growth of knowledge in their field by conducting research and scientific projects on new issues in a vast field of the humanities and social sciences: law, economics, history, sociology, political science, international relations, data and urban planning, environment… Whatever their discipline, researchers promote and disseminate their results to the scientific, institutional and economic communities (companies and organisations).






Tuesday 19 april 

1PM - 2PM: Opening Round Table: Working in research (on zoom  https://sciencespo.zoom.us/j/91258677895)

Moderator: Sciences Po Carrières, École de la recherche


  • Hugo de Tarlé, Specialist in economic studies at the Banque de France (Master's degree in sociology, 2018) 
  • Delphine Allès, University Professor in Political Science at INALCO (PhD in Political Science, 2011)
  • Luca Spinosa, Researcher Enel Foundation - (School of Public Affairs, SciencesPo & Fudan University)
  • Hemal Thakker, Research Assistant, Observatory of Populism, Institut Montaigne and Consultant at Expertise France (School of International Affairs)

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thursday 21 april 

5h00 - 6h30 pm: Round Table: Working in applied research

This roundtable is organized by the School of Research


  • Elise Cathala, Opinion researcher at  Viavoice (Master in political science, 2020)
  • Agnès Casado, Manager - Innovation and public policies, at ALCIMED (Master in history, 2013) 
  • Julie Lenoir, Computer scientist at Ined (Master in economics, 2018)  
  • Gabriele Mariani, Research Executive at  Kantar Public  (Master in Sociology, 2021) 
  • Hugo Plassais, Apprentice Economic Affairs Editor at  Business France (Master's degree in political science, 2020) 

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6h30 - 8h00 pm: Networking rersearch careers

Meet Sciences Po graduates who are working in applied research in companies or organisations, or in academic research.

They will be able to explain to you how their career was built and provide you with valuable advice. 

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Chitraksh, Strategy Consultant at Hystria, graduated from the Master in International Management and Sustainability

I work in strategy consulting for inclusive companies that are not just about profit but about positive social and environmental impact. Sciences Po is a cradle of brilliant minds concerned with these issues and my time there allows me to bring insightful thinking to the issues I face in my work.

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Joanne, cultural mediator and guide - graduated from the dual Master's degree in history at Sciences Po and the École du Louvre

Studying for the dual degree allowed me to benefit from the content of two demanding and complementary courses: knowledge related to art history and the fields of museums and heritage on the one hand, historiographical and critical knowledge, and the methodological tools to confront contemporary political and social issues on the other.
At present, I work as a cultural mediator and guide-lecturer in the museum sector, and in parallel, as an external mediator for the Louvre Museum. In this role I design and lead guided tours and educational and creative workshops for different types of audiences (families, young people, disadvantaged members of the public).

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Bedirhan, research assistant for the Think Thank "Arab reform initiative" - Master in political science

My training at the School of Research was essential for the work I am doing now, as I am still working in research. Most of the tasks I carry out in my current position (focus groups, interviews, data analysis, etc.) are very similar to what I learned to do at the School of Research. I think it is also worth mentioning that one of my colleagues is another alumnus of the Sciences Po School of Research.
I am currently interning at a regional think tank called the Arab Reform Initiative. I support their various research projects in Tunisia and in the Maghreb region.

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Astrid, Public Relations Officer at the Paris Peace Forum - graduated from the Master in Political Science

This answer may seem a bit obvious, but first and foremost I learned how to conduct research, i.e. how to build a project, how to choose and implement research methods, and how to draw conclusions by analysing the results. The School of Research teaches students to combine curiosity and caution: conducting rigorous research implies looking beyond one’s preconceived ideas, questioning one's own biases, accepting criticism and self-questioning.

After officially completing my Master's degree, I did an internship at the Paris Peace Forum as a Public and Diplomatic Relations Assistant. I was involved in managing relations between the Forum’s Permanent Secretariat and the embassies and official events in Paris, with the aim of negotiating and organising the participation of heads of state, government and international organisations in the Forum’s annual event. I now hold the position of Public Relations Officer.

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Gabrielle, research executive for Kantar public (Bruxelles) - graduared from the Master in Sociology

Through the Research Master in Sociology, I have learned to look at determinate political phenomena from a sociological perspective. I have also improved my understanding of the different social research methods, putting them into practice by realising a master thesis. The latter has been a particularly formative experience for me, while the broad knowledge of social research methods has proved helpful in my current job.
I am currently working as a Research Executive for Kantar Public, a multinational research and consulting organization in the political and institutional field. Based in Bruxelles, I work on public opinion studies for the EU and other international organizations.

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Juliette, Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Analyst at Wavestone | Graduated from the Master in Policital Science, Programme in International Relations

The two years of study were very intense and allowed me to acquire a more complete vision of the discipline of international relations while developing research skills.
The work of writing the dissertation allowed me to acquire a scientific approach, to demonstrate critical thinking, and to be autonomous, all the while benefiting from my supervisor’s welcome guidance. It was also a moment that pushed me to question my career orientation and the sectors that might interest me at the end of my studies.
I currently operate cybersecurity consulting missions for a digital transformation consulting firm. It’s a challenging job, for which you need a strong sense of engagement, and it also requires regular monitoring of current and future issues and challenges.

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Nour, Project Officer at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Graduated from the Master in Policital Science

My political science research background has allowed me to sharpen my critical and analytical skills. Intellectual rigour is essential for research work, and I have developed a multidisciplinary and complex understanding of the subjects I work on, both of which are very valuable assets. Research, especially fieldwork and data collection, requires excellent interpersonal, adaptive, and listening skills, which are extremely important qualities in the professional field. My training at Sciences Po also allowed me to acquire a work methodology, particularly through the mastery of qualitative research tools, that I re-use for each of my roles.
Today, I am happy to have joined the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in France as a project officer on refugee participation. This has allowed me to reconnect with my preferred subject.   

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Alessandro, Responsable de programme pour "Jobs for the Future", diplômé du master en Économie

Certainly, the School of Research allowed me to develop strong analytical skills for understanding complex issues and performing successful research. The high level at which we were taught also made me very comfortable with understanding and doing work at the frontier of economics. Furthermore, the School’s interdisciplinary dimension brought perspective to my economic studies, a contextualisation that is fundamental for having a real-world outlook.
I currently work as a Program Manager for a non-profit organisation called Jobs for the Future which focuses on promoting equitable workforce development and education opportunities. In particular, I am part of the Inclusive Regional Economic Development unit and am located in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Carlos, Research Executive chez YouGov, diplômé du master en Sociologie

My two years at the School of Research provided me with sound, high-quality theoretical and practical training. The various courses, both in quantitative and qualitative methodology, deepened my understanding of various topics. Writing my dissertation was a formative experience, and the knowledge and research skills I acquired have proven very useful in my current work.
I work as a Research Executive at YouGov, a market research, polling and data analytics company.Read the portrait


Last modified 2022-04-13
Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
Launched by two graduates (class of 2020) from Law School : Agnès de Fortanier (Master in Economic Law) and Thomas Harbor (dual degree Sciences Po HEC), What's up EU is a newsletter putting together a concise, well-documented, and informative weekly wrap-up of the news that matters at a continental scale — from a European perspective. Sciences Po Careers interviewed Augustin Bourleaud, in charge of its edition, who is currently a double master's degree student between Sciences Po and the London School of Economics.
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