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Careers in Asia

Did you know that 12% of graduates who start their career outside France find their first job in Asia? If you are planning to do an internship or start your career in one of the South East Asian countries, Sciences Po Careers, in collaboration with the International Affairs Department and Sciences Po Alumni, invites you to discover all the useful resources to help you carry out your project.

Antonin, Stagiaire chez CIC, Bachelor's degree - Sciences Politiques

Antonin Thibeault actuellement en troisième année d'échange à George Washington University a effectué son stage chez CIC à Singapour.

Zoé, diplômée 2018 du master in Corporate Strategy (master en un an) Lead & Innovation Consulting chez Hello Tomorrow à Singapour

Diplômée du master en un an "master in Corporate Strategy" de l'École du management et de l'innovation, Zoé travaille aujourd'hui en tant que consultante innovation pour le Hello Tomorrow Asie Pacific (APAC) à Singapour, spécialisé dans la mise en relations des acteurs de la recherche et de l'innovation de la deep tech à Singapour.

Chloé, cheffe de projet - Sevea, diplômée 2020 du master Governing the Large Metropolis, Urban Studies/Affairs

Diplômée 2020 de l'Ecole urbaine (master Governing the Large Metropolis), Chloé Deparis vit et travaille au Cambodge depuis 10 ans. Actuellement cheffe de projet au sein de Sevea, mi cabinet, mi think tank, spécialisé dans le développement durable.

Natasha, Assistant Director - Europe desk at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, graduated 2020 master in International Development

Natasha graduated in 2020 from the Master in International Development and she works as an assistant director at the Europe desk at the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

From 28 March to 1st April : South East Asian Careers Week

Did you know that 13% of graduates who start their career outside France find their first job in Asia? If you are planning to do an internship or start your career in one of the South East Asian countries, Sciences Po Careers, in collaboration with the International Affairs Department and Sciences Po Alumni, invites you to discover all the useful resources to help you in your project.

Portrait : Hugo Ribadeau Dumas

Hugo Ribadeau Dumas graduated from the Master Governing the Large Metropolis in 2013. He also obtained his Bachelor’s degree at Sciences Po, which included an exchange year at Jamia Millia Islamia University, in India, where he took classes from a Master’s programme in Journalism. We spoke to him on where he is now.
Leia Shindfae

"An intellectual impetus to drive your career to further heights"

Leia Shin, Graduate of LLM in Transnational Arbitration & Dispute Settlement (TADS), 2018 I am a Korean attorney-at-law and a member of the first generation of Science Po’s TADS LL.M. (Class of 2018). Approaching the 10th anniversary of legal practice as a lawyer in international commercial disputes and international economic law, I look back on the professional and academic experiences that took me so far and feel much gratitude to the invaluable year and a half at Sciences Po that opened my eyes to the bigger dynamics of international law and its most pressing legal issues.

Vous vous sentez intéressé par la fonction publique mais vous manquez d'information sur ses voies d'accès ? Retrouvez les conseils de recruteurs du MEAE, de la DGAFP et du Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.
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