Accueil > Slawomir Krupa, Head of the Global Banking and Investor Solutions of Société Générale, diplômé 1996, International Relations

Slawomir Krupa, Head of the Global Banking and Investor Solutions of Société Générale, diplômé 1996, International Relations

Slawomir Krupa is Deputy General Manager, Head of the Global Banking and Investor Solutions of Société Générale. He has been working with Société Générale since 1996, holding leadership positions such as Chief Executive Officer of the Americas, Chief of Staff for Corporate and Investment Banking, Head of Strategy and Corporate Development, and Deputy Head of Global Finance. Originally from a Franco-Polish background, Krupa completed a degree in International Relations from Sciences Po, graduating in 1996. He reflects on how the complexity of Sciences Po helped propel him to where he stands today.

Sciences Po’s reputation for academic excellence and its multidisciplinary approach motivated Krupa to attend the university. He values the depth of analysis that classes fostered, and the deep understanding of complex issues that arises from Sciences Po’s multi-lensed approach. “I remember it to this day, how challenging from an intellectual perspective it was to look at different political postures, historiographic postures—the importance of very specific topics and the incredible depth that we looked at these topics with. [Sciences Po] challenged us to not look at situations simplistically, but to recognize that most of the situations we face in life are potentially complex and certainly have many faces to them,” he says.

Krupa also speaks highly of the methodological ground Sciences Po imparted on him. “Beyond learning about one specific topic, it empowered you to apply this methodology to problems and problem solving as a citizen, as an executive. This perspective changed my life, I would say.” He continues to apply this unique methodology in his current career and life. “When I approach a problem or opportunity, I don’t see it in black and white. I see it with all the colors that it has… This is fundamentally thanks to what I learned at Sciences Po.”

Krupa was also extensively involved in extracurricular activities at Sciences Po. He wrote for the school publication L'Independant, commenting on the energy of his comembers and the paper. Krupa honed his writing skills while writing for the paper and within his classes, which is a skill he deems particularly useful. Sciences Po granted Krupa the ability to write and present in a way that analyzes, condenses, and sheds insights on complex issues all while remaining concise and coherent. “This is an absolutely key ability… and specific to Sciences Po,” he says. 

Additionally, Krupa spent time on the Central European Forum, studying world events during the turbulent and hopeful post-Soviet time period. “There was a thirst for discovery and exchange, exchange about ideas and discussions around the past and future in this new Europe and the war in Yugoslavia… Sciences Po taught me a lot about how to approach my life.”

Lire la suite de l'article sur le site d'American Foundation  

Mise à jour 17/03/2022


Victoire est étudiante du master politiques publiques (Ecole d'affaires publiques). Elle a rejoint en janvier 2023 la Direction de l’Engagement de Paris 2024 pour un stage aux côtés des équipes du Label Terre de Jeux 2024. Focus sur ses missions en lien avec les collectivités, pour faire vivre les Jeux dans les territoires.
Créée par deux diplômés de la promotion 2020 de l'Ecole de droit : Agnès de Fortanier (master Droit économique) et Thomas Harbor (double diplôme Sciences Po HEC), What's up EU est une newsletter qui propose un résumé hebdomadaire concis, bien documenté et informatif des actualités importantes de l'Union Européenne. Questions à Augustin Bourleaud, étudiant du double diplôme Sciences Po / London School of Economics qui supervise depuis septembre 2022 la newsletter.
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