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Careers in Europe

One year after graduation, 38% of our graduates choose to start their career abroad. Of these, 62% find their first job on the European continent, with France, Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy in the lead (out of 25 countries in Europe).


Internship and job opportunities in Nothern Europe (Scandinavia & Benelux) (March 2024)

Living and working in Germany (December 2022)

Living and working in Switzerland (May 2022)

Living and working in Belgium (January 2022)

alumni's network in Europe

The Sciences Po Alumni International community spans all continents. By joining, connect with a strong network of Alumni who can help you kickstart your career. As of today, there are 40 international sections and 12 geographical "circles".

Alumni's International Sections in Europe:

UK | Germany | Austria | Belgium | Spain | Finland | Greece | Italy | Luxembourg | Monaco | Norway | Netherlands | Portugal | Czech Republic | Romania | Slovakia | Switzerland

Geographical Circles in Europe:

European Circle | French-German Circle | French-British Circle | French-Northern Circle | French-Italian Circle


Whether they work in European institutions, consultancies, lobbying, think-tanks or specialized media, Sciences Po graduates work in a wide range of expertises in European Affairs.

Vanika Sharma, Junior Economist at the European Centre for International Political Economy in Brussels, Belgium. 

"The European Centre for International Political Economy is a think tank based in Belgium. My responsibilities include conducting quantitative research and drafting policy briefs and research papers on topics such as trade dependencies, EU’s trade policies, and EU trade relations with partner countries."

Read the testimonial

Jayasurya Kalakkal, an Environment and Trade Consultant at the UN Environment Program in Geneva, Switzerland. 

"I have a variety of responsibilities like working on research based papers/outputs on topics related to trade, environment, sustainable agriculture etc. , participating in outreach events to disseminate the work of UNEP,  providing UNEP's inputs in relevant meetings of the World Trade Organisation, supporting the strategic direction of projects that I work on, contributing to analytical work on how trade policy can support environmental sustainability in key "high-impact" economic sectors etc. As per needs, I also provide support to project management and administration - such as on budgets, recruitments for the trade team."
Read the testimonial

Asgerdur Asgeirsdottir, Director of Communications and Startegy at the Arctic Circle in Reykjavik, Iceland.  

"The best part of my job is the team – we are always ready to help one another and work well together under pressure, we are honest about our capacity and not afraid to share ideas. 
I have the opportunity to go to remote places in the Arctic; last trip was to Tromsø in Norway and next stop is Nuuk in Greenland! It can be challenging to walk into a room full of public officials, CEOs and entrepreneurs and present to them our work and negotiate a fundraising, but it surprised me how quickly your comfort zone expands and with experience and practice it all becomes easier."

Read the testimonial

goinglobal Careers guide

GoinGlobal Careers guide

GoinGlobal helps to find job and internship opportunities both at home and abroad. You will find several City Guides, with constantly updated expert career advice online:

  • employment outlook/industry trends,
  • local job search resources,
  • interview and cultural advices,
  • professional and social networking groups,
  • and resume/CV guidelines and samples for each country.

Moreover, each guide includes extensive work permit and visa advice based on research conducted by an experienced immigration attorney for each destination. 

Country Career Guides

France | Denmark | Finland | Germany | Czech Republic | Ireland | Italy | NetherlandsNorway| Spain| Sweden| Switzerland| United-Kingdom

Global City Career Guides

Amsterdam | Berlin | Dublin | London | Madrid | Paris | Prague | Rome | Stockholm | Zurich


Last modified 2024-04-18
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