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Second year independent civic project internship

mains solidaires
The independent civic project internship is a compulsory part of the Undergraduate College Civic Learning Programme. Students work on individual or group projects over the two semesters of study, complementing the experience gained during their first-year civic internship. The civic project module counts for 3 ECTS credits and is an essential component of the Bachelor degree.


1. Have students develop their thinking on the citizenship issues they have chosen for their Civic Learning Programme (arts and culture, education, equality, employment, environment, justice, housing, health, solidarity, etc.).

2. Consolidate disciplinary, multidisciplinary and methodological learning in the humanities and social sciences.

3. Actively participate in the design and implementation of a civic or community-service project

Examples of partner institutions :

Paris Regional Education Authority, National Institute for Sight-Impaired Youth, Gendarmerie Nationale, National Institute for Hearing-Impaired Youth, Restos du Coeur, Secours Catholique...


  • This internship is compulsory for second-year Undergraduate College students
  • The internship must be carried out between September and April
  • It is asked that you complete 50 hours minimum of civic engagement
  • Independent civic project internship completed within a single organization 
  • With a non-partisan, non-trade union, non-proselytising, non-profit or public interest organisation, whether public or private
  • In the form of an internship, volunteer work, fixed-term contract or group project


Step 1: declare your independent civic project internship online between August 26 and September 30, 2024

Regardless of the form it takes—internship, voluntary work or fixed-term contract—it is compulsory to declare your internship on the student portal. Your campus’s civic programme coordinator will review the proposed internship.

Step 2: Submit the following documents on the Civic Learning Programme online workspace, section “04. Individual civic independent project” :

  1. Critical Reflection that follows on from your civic engagement internship report
  2. An internship or engagment agreement to be completed, signed and stamped by the host organisation
  3. A copy of your payslip if you completed your open civic project internship under a fixed-term contract

Visit Moodle to find the academic calendar for the civic course.


Last modified 2024-06-27
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