"C’est pour faire face au marché des médicaments contrefaits, qui gangrènent les pays en voie de développement que Romain Renard et Arnaud Pourredon ont eu l’idée de créer Meditect, une startup qui a vocation, grâce à un système de scanner, à aider les praticiens à détecter les contrefaçons."
Philibert, assistant au cabinet du ministre d'État chargé de l'économie et des finances du Bénin, diplômé 2018 finance et stratégie
"Depuis septembre 2021, j’ai intégré le Cabinet du Ministre d’État chargé de l’Economie et des Finances du Bénin, en tant que son Assistant. Je continue encore d'appréhender le poste, tellement les problématiques traitées sont diverses. En effet, j’ai un périmètre de mission assez large, qui couvre tous les sujets du Ministère. Sans être exhaustifs, depuis mon arrivée au cabinet en septembre, j’ai été plus impliqué sur des sujets en rapport avec le financement des projets, l’amélioration du climat des affaires et l’attractivité des investissements directs étrangers, l’énergie..."
Vaishnavi, Regional Programme Innovation Advisor for East Africa at the WFP Regional Bureau in Kenya, graduated 2020 International Development, PSIA
"The reason I chose SciencesPo over some other institutions in this range of ranking was because SciencesPo lets us really tailor the courses to our needs and pick the professors that interest us the most. Early on, I knew more than academics, I liked hands on learning and studying courses that had a real-life immersion/ scenario approach. I think working in that kind of setting gave me a good feel of what I ended up choosing career wise - humanitarian work. The inter disciplinary nature of SciencesPo's courses really helped me have transferable skills and a good grasp on a range of subjects. While this may not be what a PhD aspiring in-depth student may want, it worked out really great for me - especially coming from a business and finance or non- humanities background."
Abel, Founder and Director or Marvel Act Youth Organisation in Paris, Graduated 2019 Master of Advanced Global Studies - Developement Practice Track, PSIA
"At the moment I regard myself as a Community Leader. Before moving to France I was working with Action Aid Ghana, in west Africa. Furthermore, I have my own organisation which I formed in Southern Africa as a teenager under the banner of Marvel Act Youth Organisation (MAYO Zimbabwe). Our website is www.mayozim.org and this is a vision I envisaged at a young age to transform and develop the community that brought me up. Today I am happy that I am still sticking to that vision. Even if I am on the other side of the world, I always look back to find ways of making an impact in my community. I am the founder of this organization and I also act as the director."
Kannelle, Head of Sciences Po's East Africa Office in Nairobi, graduated in International Public Management, PSIA
"The Nairobi office opened, within the Alliance Française building, in 2018 as part of Sciences Po’s internationalisation strategy. We have ambitious plans for Africa which required a permanent physical presence. As Manager for East Africa, my mission, in short, consists in importing our brand and increasing its attractiveness within the region. I aim to meet this goal by conducting promotional activities at high schools and fairs, strengthening relations with various partners, academic or otherwise, developing our network and hosting delegations amongst other missions. I also provide support for future and current exchange students and alumni."
Stijn Gabriel, Project Development & Reporting Officer (nternational Organization for Migration’s office in Niger), diplômé de l'École des affaires internationales
"After my internship with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of my master at PSIA, my old supervisor reached out to me to point me towards a Junior Professional Officer (JPO) function that they funded. Because I had let them know about my interest in working in the Sahel, they encouraged me to apply for this position. After several interviews, I finally got offered the job a few days before the graduation ceremony in Paris and left for Niger in September 2019."
Hawa Diallo: "The diaspora has a crucial role to play in Guinea's development"
"It all began with a consultancy assignment I did for the World Bank focusing on a comprehensive organizational audit of the General Inspectorate for Public Administration in Guinea. The resulting report highlighted clear failings in the public administration, identifying multiple avenues for reform. I came away with a major insight: there was a glaring need for capacity building in our public administrations. The public sector therefore charted my career goals for me. From there on out, I felt I needed to plan out a transition to the public sector. The driving question I had for myself was this: how can I get the finest education possible? How do I acquire the right tools to successfully navigate my transition? I received guidance from a friend, Arnaud Salla, enrolled in the Executive Master's; my preference naturally went to Sciences Po because the academic curriculum, with its emphasis on development challenges on the African continent, stood perfectly in line with my search criteria."
SOUHAIL El Fatih, Diplomé 2020 Master Stratégies territoriales et urbaines
"Après le Master, j’ai réintégré l’agence Carta-Reichen & Robert et Associès, en tant que “Responsable de projets”. L’agence Reichen & Robert et Associés s’est forgée une grande expérience dans le suivi et la réalisation de nombreux projets complexes, qu’ils soient urbains ou architecturaux. Ces projets impliquent une réflexion autant sur le changement d’usage dans des bâtiments existants que sur l’insertion de nouveaux bâtiments dans des sites occupés où les notions de HQE et de développement durable sont récurrentes."
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