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Make an appointment with a Careers adviser

Are you unsure about your career options or what job you want to do? Need some help creating your internship or graduate job search tools? Want to know more about the career opportunities for your degree programme and employers that might suit you? At any stage during the year, you can make an individual appointment to discuss your questions with a qualified careers adviser. There are a few steps you need to take, however, before we give you an appointment.






An individual appointment with a careers adviser is a valuable opportunity to discuss any difficulties you encounter in building your career goals and strategy, find solutions and get personalised advice.

IMPORTANT ! Often, you can find answers to most of your questions in one of the sections of the Careers website or by talking to your instructors. So before you make an appointment, make sure that you have used the online resources below that are relevant to your situation.

If you want to make an individual appointment to:

Find out about the formalities and conditions related to your upcoming internship 

  • Browse the whole of the ‘Formalities’ section

Find out about career options with your Master’s degree 

Contact the Academic adviser or Career adviser at your School

Get personalised advice on your internship or job search 

  • Read the page on job search methodology in the “Find and Apply” section (soon available)
  • Check out our tips for effective networking

Get personalised advice about your CV and cover letters

Get personalised advice on preparing for internship or job interviews

Find out about employers, occupations and sectors

  • Attend the career events organised by your school and/or Sciences Po Careers: company presentations, breakfasts, recruitment fairs, etc. 


Have you followed all these recommendations without finding answers to your questions?
If you need further guidance, send an email to request an appointment to one of the contacts below, depending on the nature of your request. Your should:

  • Send an email requesting an appointment:
  1. Explaining in a few lines the reason you are requesting an appointment
  2. Having your CV and a cover letter (if you have one) attached

University College students

Masters students

Young graduates

Contact:  Fabrice BARTHELEMY

Once we have examined your request, a Sciences Po careers adviser will get back to you to propose an appointment or guide you towards the most appropriate solution.
Last modified 2024-11-07
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