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Psychometric tests for career guidance

Are you having trouble defining your professional interests and motivations? When you are trying to decide on a career path, self-assessment can help you make the right choices. The STRONG psychological indicator offer insight into your personality and interests.


The Strong Interest Inventory focuses mainly on professional interests and motivations and complements the MBTI.

It helps identify the professional fields, sectors and environments that best correspond to you and compares your results to those of people who answered the questionnaire in a similar way and are satisfied with their jobs.

During an individual interview or a two-hour workshop in a small group, the inventory encourages you to reflect in depth on your career plan (choosing your Master’s when you are an undergraduate student, making career choices during your Master’s programme or as a recent graduate, identifying new career options, etc.).

How to register ?

Send an email to scpo.carrieres@sciencespo.fr explaining why you want to do the Strong inventory. A certified Strong consultant from Sciences Po Careers will get in touch with you to propose a small group workshop or individual appointment.

To go further

"The 13 Best Career Tests and Quizzes to Help You Find Your Dream Job" by The Muse

"14 Free Personality Tests That'll Help You Figure Yourself Out" by The Muse

Last modified 2024-05-17
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