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Internship 3A

28 published articles linked to this label

work abroad

Third year internship abroad

During the mixed year (one semester of studies combined with one semester of internship), a professional experience lasting a minimum of four months full-time outside of France is planned during your third year. This mandatory internship aims to introduce you to a professional sector or career and to help you gain autonomy through an experience abroad. In addition to personal enrichment through exposure to other cultures, you will be able to improve your foreign language skills in a professional context.

Obtain a visa for the United Kingdom

Since the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union, EU nationals are no longer automatically exempt from visa requirements to enter the territory. Check the information below before starting your internship or job search!

Le stage de 3ème année d'Alix au sein du Groupe M6

A défaut de pouvoir partir à l'étranger en raison de la pandémie Alix Cliquot a réalisé son stage de troisième année au sein du Groupe M6 à Paris en tant qu'assistante communication des programmes de divertissement, des sports et de l'information. Elle étudie aujourd'hui au sein du master Communications, médias et industries créatives au sein de l'Ecole du management et de l'innovation. Retour sur son expérience.

Antonin, Stagiaire chez CIC, Bachelor's degree - Sciences Politiques

Antonin Thibeault actuellement en troisième année d'échange à George Washington University a effectué son stage chez CIC à Singapour.

"J'ai monté ma société d'édition musicale en parallèle de mon stage de 3A au Sénat"

Pour sa troisième année à Sciences Po, Nicolas LAURENT en Master Communication, Medias et Industries creatives a effectué une année hybride. Aujourd'hui étudiant à l'Ecole du management et de l'innovation, il revient sur son expérience de stage réalisé au Sénat et dans le contexte COVID, sur l'occasion pour lui de lancer sa propre société d'édition musicale.

Third year internship abroad (mixed year 2024-2025)

Are you a second year student at the Undergraduate College and thinking of applying to do a mixed year (a combination of one semester of studies + a semester of internship abroad ) in 2024-2025? The eligibility criteria and internship conditions are outlined below.

Get a Visa for Brazil

Are you leaving for an internship in Brazil? For all internships that last longer than 120 days, there are several conditions to acquire the mandatory internship visa under Brazilian legislation. Internships for a duration longer than 120 days require a student visa.

Get a visa for the UNITED STATES

Are you planning on doing an internship or a traineeship in the United States? Read on to learn about the visa requirements.

Get a visa for Canada

Are you leaving for an internship in Canada? Getting a visa before departure is mandatory.

I developed specific skills during the lockdown

Luanna is a bresilian student from the Poitiers Campus. During her 3rd year abroad she interned as a journalist for KPFA radio in San Francisco Bay area. Despite the lockdown she explains how she adapted to the situation to perform well in her mission.
Marie Gervier

Marie Gervier, Communication and Event Manager for the United Nations

Master in Public Policy, policy stream Cultural Policy and Management, promotion 2018. Marie Gervier graduated from the Master in Public Policy at the School of Public Affairs, Cultural Policy and Management policy stream. She is currently working as as a Communication and Event Manager for the United Nations Office in Geneva. Testimony.
JQ Prats

“My third-year internship in Hong Kong in the Bordeaux fine wines trade”

Jean-Quentin Prats from Bordeaux is a wine enthusiast. In his second year, Jean-Quentin served as vice president of the Sciences Po oenology club, In Vino Veritas. In third year, thirsty to learn more about wine and wine-related occupations, he did an International Volunteers in Business (VIE) internship in Hong Kong with Bordeaux fine wines merchant Maison Joanne. Now in his first year of the Master of Finance and Strategy, Jean-Quentin told us about his experience as an intern.
ève isambourg

Ève, dedicated to the oceans, student at the university Sciences Po

À l’occasion de la Semaine des Océans à Sciences Po, nous avons rencontré Ève Isambourg, étudiante en 3ème année du Collège universitaire et activiste pour la protection des océans. Après deux ans sur les bancs du campus de Paris, Ève a consacré sa troisième année à l’étranger à mobiliser les esprits sur les questions océaniques autour du monde. Dernière étape de sa mission et non des moindres : une conférence devant l’ONU à New York.

Harwood Levitt Consulting has given me excellent insight into the ‘Brussels Bubble’

At the Brussels Careers Fair co-organized by LSE Careers and Sciences Po Careers on March 23rd, 2018, Cyriel Pelletier – International Careers Manager – met an atypical recruiter, Yaxin ZHANG, Junior Consultant in Public Affairs at Harwood Levitt Consulting and...a third-year student from Le Havre Campus! Because of her strong interest in European affairs, Yaxin chose to do an internship in Brussels during her third year abroad! Discover her story!
American dream

« Living the Life of My Dreams in the United States » : How to Succeed on the American Job Market

Frisco or Big Apple? On one hand, the Bay Area, a job market based on Tech and dynamic Start Ups with its new-age way of life: yoga, fitness and personal development classes. On the other: Manhattan, its skyscrapers and the Big Apple energy irrigating all its inhabitants… a difficult choice!
Alix Defrain-Meunier

My dream of working in New York at the heart of the diplomatic world came true

Thanks to the Marion Bruley Scholarship, Alix Defrain-Meunier interned at the French Consulate in New York. The financial aid was essential for her to carry out her plan of interning in New York. She shares her rich and intense professional experience at the heart of the city which never sleeps with us.

Are you East-Coast or West-Coast?

For Oualid Bachiri, a student at the Sciences Po School of Communication, to have an experience in the United States was a priority. Not only do the States have a strong internship culture but professional experience in the country is well looked-upon by recruiters. New York and San Francisco are very attractive centres but which to choose? Oualid gives his personal take on his experience in both cities. And may as well say it from the start: both were worth it!
career USA

Being an intern in San Francisco

Swept away by the new tech wave, Lisa Bardet, currently a Master’s student in Economics and Business, interned for eleven months at the Chamber of Franco-American Commerce in San Francisco during her third year. She told us about her professional experience in the San Francisco technopole.
image Johnny Chin

Sillicon Valley - the American Dream for Start-Ups?

"Failure isn’t seen as something negative, but as something to respect." Johnny Chin is co-founder and CEO of Bannerman in San Francisco, USA. He's an American national from the Bay Area and graduated from Sciences Po in Finance and Strategy 2010. In 2013, Chin launched his start up Bannerman in San Francisco. Christiane Laloy and Fabrice Barthelemy met with him in San Francisco in May 2016 and talked about his career as a founder in the startup ecosystem of San Francisco. Here is the success story of a French-American startuper in San Francisco.


From Costa Rica to New York, she developed and maintained her network. When she entered Sciences Po in 2011, Josianne KAMTCHOUM TEGEL was dreaming of an international career and international exposure. After an internship during her third year as parliamentary assistant at the National Assembly of Costa Rica, she chose to specialise in international security at the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA). With support from the network she had developed in Costa Rica, she managed to find her master’s compulsory internship at the Permanent Representation of Costa Rica to the UN, New York City. She speaks of her experience…

Why spend your third year as an intern in the investment sector when you want to pursue a career in Public Affairs ?

Since his high-school years, Thomas Monarchi-Comte decided he would devote himself to the “res publica”, the public sector. Encouraged by his friends and family who confirm that his profile corresponds to his high-raking public official, Thomas entered the Sciences Po-Dijon campus. Although he knew he would continue his studies at the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, he decided to shift away from his first interest of serving the country for the sake of a third year internship…
bay area


During their time in San Francisco Bay, our Career Consultants Christiane Laloy and Fabrice Barthélemy interviewed institutional actors, former Sciences Po graduates and students on the career opportunities in the region. Here’s some feedback from students looking to land an internship on the west coast.
Adama Gaye
Photo d'un pull avec intitulé Service civique
Oumar Yarani KEITA

Comment le stage de 3A m'a aidé à appréhender le marché du travail

De retour à Paris, entre les murs de Sciences Po, Oumar Yarani Keita rentre tout juste d'un stage 3A de huit mois effectué au sein d'un cabinet d'avocats au Sénégal. Il a mené sa recherche de stage comme une recherche d'emploi, et souhaite partager sa méthode de recherche avec tous les étudiants qui chercheraient un stage....
Magdeburg Hochwasserstand

Un bon stage pour la 3A...c'est quoi ?

Faut-il privilégier un stage dans un grand groupe ? Est-il intéressant d'accumuler des courts passages dans des organismes prestigieux sans avoir fait des missions intéressantes?
Augustin Chirol


Like all undergraduate Sciences Po students, Augustin has spent his third year abroad. He has taking advantage of this experience to carry out a long term internship at the French Embassy in Washinton DC. He tells us about his missions there, the Master’s degree program he would like to enroll in next, and what he was able to do thanks to the Marion Bruley scholarship.

Pourquoi faire un stage de 3A à l'étranger ?

Le journal des étudiants de Sciences Po La Péniche a mené l'enquête auprès de nos étudiants et interrogé Christiane Laloy, Responsable des stages de 3A au sein du Service carrières. Quelques extraits de l'article de Luca Vergallo qui vous dévoile les différentes apports de cette expérience enrichissante...

Une offre reliée à cette étiquette

Vous vous sentez intéressé par la fonction publique mais vous manquez d'information sur ses voies d'accès ? Retrouvez les conseils de recruteurs du MEAE, de la DGAFP et du Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.
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