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Urban School

17 published articles linked to this label


[ENG] Sye Yuet Loy : from the Master Governing the Large Metropolis to Tiktok's Trust & Safety Team.

Discover the experience of Sye Yuet Loy, her studies, her job... in english !

Thomas Chailloux, analyste en politique publique dans une ONG

Thomas Chailloux est analyste en politique publique dans une ONG après avoir été diplômé de l'école urbaine. Lisez ici son portrait réalisé par l'École Urbaine de Sciences Po.

Charles Béna, chargé d’études au Groupe Huit

Charles est diplômé de l'école urbaine depuis 2020, et travail aujourd'hui comme chargé d'études en urbanisme.

Chloé, cheffe de projet - Sevea, diplômée 2020 du master Governing the Large Metropolis, Urban Studies/Affairs

Diplômée 2020 de l'Ecole urbaine (master Governing the Large Metropolis), Chloé Deparis vit et travaille au Cambodge depuis 10 ans. Actuellement cheffe de projet au sein de Sevea, mi cabinet, mi think tank, spécialisé dans le développement durable.

Jeanne Varaldi, Consultante en développement durable chez Utopies (Ecole urbaine)

Jeanne Varaldi est diplômée de l’École urbaine. A la fois consultante en développement durable au sein du cabinet Utopies elle est aussi artiste plasticienne. Portrait.

Juan, Consultant seniot (eurogroup consulting), graduated from the urban school

Juan Cristellys, Spanish, graduated from the Master Governing the Large Metropolis (GLM) in 2015. He did his Bachelor at Sciences Po, at the Campus in Poitiers which is specialised in the areas of South America, Spain and Portugal.

Portrait : Hugo Ribadeau Dumas

Hugo Ribadeau Dumas graduated from the Master Governing the Large Metropolis in 2013. He also obtained his Bachelor’s degree at Sciences Po, which included an exchange year at Jamia Millia Islamia University, in India, where he took classes from a Master’s programme in Journalism. We spoke to him on where he is now.

Cécile, head of penitentiary and judical projects (Agence publique pour l'immobilier de la justice), graduated form the urban school

After earning a master's degree in urban planning and sustainable development law, cécile wanted to further her specialisation in urban planning, so she enrolled in the urban planning programme. she graduated in 2017 and is now project manager for prison and justice projects at apij. interview.

Floriane, Manager and Adaptation Lead (Carbon Trust), graduated from the urban school

After her undergraduate studies at Sciences Po and a third year abroad at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Floriane decided to pursue a dual Master’s degree in Urban Policy. She completed her first year in the Master of Regional and Urban Strategy programme, then went to the London School of Economics (LSE) for the second year in Regional and Urban Planning Studies. Floriane graduated in 2012 and is now Manager and Adaptation Lead at the Carbon Trust. She told us more about her career.

Yunqing Bi, technical Manager (C40 cities), graduated from the Urban School

Yunqing graduated in 2017 with a master in governing the large metropolis, having previously studied gis (geographic information systems) at zhejiang university in china. She is now a technical manager at c40 cities in beijing.
urban school

Urban School

The Urban School prepares students and professionals for urban governance in all its forms. Graduates find employment in the public, private and non-profit sectors at the local, national and international levels.
Urban school

Urban school

Start with the city, transform the world. This ambition is central to the Urban School, which trains urban and regional public policy professionals to work at the local, national, European and international levels. Our students come from varied academic backgrounds (social sciences, engineering and architecture). They receive advanced academic instruction in urban governance and urban and regional public policy. Professional expertise is a feature of our courses, with teaching from the most innovative practitioners in their fields and students completing team projects throughout their programmes. Our graduates move into the private sector as well as the public or non-profit sectors as integrators, strategists, designers or managers.
Camille Gaumont

Camille, head of project vélo (Plaine commune), graduated from the Urban School

Diplômée de l’École urbaine, Camille Gaumont emploie aujourd’hui son énergie à élargir la place du vélo dans l’espace urbain gigantesque et dense de Plaine Commune, qui regroupe 9 villes au nord de Paris. Un moyen de concilier son expertise sur la ville, sa passion pour la bicyclette, et sa volonté d’agir concrètement pour la planète. Entretien.
Sciences Po led me to become a versatile professional

Sciences Po led me to become a versatile professional

Hugo Ribadeau Dumas graduated from the Sciences Po Urban School in the Governing the Large Metropolis master’s programme in 2013. He also obtained his bachelor’s degree at Sciences Po, which included an exchange year at Jamia Millia Islamia University, in India, where he took classes from a master’s programme in Journalism. We spoke to him on where he is now.
louis gaucher

L'alternance : une transition douce avec le monde du travail

Louis Gaucher effectue sa deuxième année de master Stratégies Territoriales et Urbaines en apprentissage. Depuis juin 2018, il alterne entre ses cours à Sciences Po et la préparation (urbaine) des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques au sein de la Société de livraison des équipements olympiques et paralympiques (SOLIDEO). Entretien.
Luisa Coppolino and Amélie Calafat

Why going on exchange ? Two students answer us.

Luisa Coppolino and Amélie Calafat, Urban Planning students, have just got back from a semester on exchange at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London (UCL). They agreed to talk to us about their experience.

L'école urbaine : trajectoires dans la ville, la parole aux alumni

L'Ecole urbaine a été inaugurée ce vendredi 24 septembre. Pour sa première rentrée, 370 élèves vont suivre l'un des 3 masters formant à la gouvernance urbaine sous toutes ses formes. Découvrez leur profil et le parcours de alumni des masters Stratégies Territoriales et Urbaine (STU), Governing the Large Metropolis (GLM) et Urban Policy.

Une offre reliée à cette étiquette

Chargé(e) de mission auprès du directeur des territoires

Entreprise : ENEAL - type d'offre : Internship

Vous vous sentez intéressé par la fonction publique mais vous manquez d'information sur ses voies d'accès ? Retrouvez les conseils de recruteurs du MEAE, de la DGAFP et du Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.
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