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école doctorale

16 published articles linked to this label

Research Career week

19 - 22 april : Research Career week

What does a researcher's job involve? Whether they work in academic or applied research, researchers contribute to the growth of knowledge in their field by conducting research and scientific projects on new issues in a vast field of the humanities and social sciences: law, economics, history, sociology, political science, international relations, data and urban planning, environment… Whatever their discipline, researchers promote and disseminate their results to the scientific, institutional and economic communities (companies and organisations).

Alessandro CONWAY, Program Manager for "Jobs for the Future" | Graduated from the Master in Economics

Alessandro CONWAY, Graduated from the Master in Economics (Class of 2020)

Carlos BENITEZ-ROLON, Research Executive chez YouGov, diplômé du master en Sociologie

Carlos BENITEZ-ROLON, Graduated from the Master in Sociology (Class of 2021)

Juliette, Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Analyst at Wavestone - Graduated 2021 from the Master in Policital Science

Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Analyst at Wavestone | Graduated from the Master in Policital Science, Programme in International Relations

Joanne, Cultural mediator and Guide - Graduated from the dual Master's degree in History at Sciences Po and the École du Louvre

Cultural mediator and Guide | Graduated from the dual Master's degree in History at Sciences Po and the École du Louvre

Astrid, ublic Relations Officer at the Paris Peace Forum - Graduated from the Master in Policital Science, Programme in International Relations

Public Relations Officer at the Paris Peace Forum | Graduated from the Master in Policital Science, Programme in International Relations

Bedirhan, Research assistant for the Think tank "Arab Reform Initiative" - Master in Policital Science

Bedirhan Mutlur, Research assistant for the Think tank "Arab Reform Initiative" | Graduated from the Master in Policital Science

Gabrielle, Research Executive for Kantar Public (Bruxelles) - Graduated from the Master in Sociology

Gabrielle Mariani, CLASS OF 2021 Research Executive for Kantar Public (Bruxelles) | Graduated from the Master in Sociology

Marie - Fondatrice du cabinet ConsultantSeas et Anne-Sophie - Fondatrice de Tenaka

L’une se consacre à en bannir le plastique, l’autre y replante des coraux : deux diplômées racontent pourquoi et comment elles ont créé leur entreprise au service de la protection des océans. À l’occasion du premier Forum des métiers de la transition écologique, nous avons rencontré Marie Le Texier, Fondatrice du cabinet ConsultantSeas, et Anne-Sophie Roux, Fondatrice de Tenaka.

Caroline, stage au conseil supérieur de l'égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes,master de recherche en sociologie

Caroline Duhaâ vient d’obtenir le Master en Sociologie de l’École doctorale de Sciences Po assorti de la Certification avancée en études de genre. Elle revient sur son parcours, de ses premiers cours en études de genre sur le campus de Paris, à la rédaction de son mémoire de Master sur la répartition du travail domestique.
SHARMA Chitraksh

Chitraksh Sharma, Strategy Consultant at Hystra, Graduate of the Master in international management and sustainability (2021)

A graduate of program in International Management and Sustainability program (previously Economics and Business), Chitraksh is currently a Strategy Consultant at Hystra.
school of research

School of Research

The Sciences Po School of Research offers research-based Master's programmes and PhD programmes in law, economics, history, political science and sociology. A graduate education at the School of Research equips students to pursue teaching or research careers and for senior positions in international organisations, consulting firms and businesses.

From Sciences Po to the Deep Blue Sea

One is dedicated to ridding it of plastic, the other to replanting its corals: two Sciences Po graduates explain how and why they have created a business devoted to protecting the oceans. In the context of the first Ecological Transition Careers Fair, we spoke to Marie Le Texier, Founder of ConsultantSeas, a consulting firm, and Anne-Sophie Roux, Founder of Tenaka.
Fabrice Amedeo

Fabrice, journalist, author and long-term navigator, graduated from the School of Research

Diplômé de Sciences Po en 2002, Fabrice Amedeo a déjà plusieurs vies. Journaliste, auteur, et désormais navigateur au long cours, ce quarantenaire s'apprête à prendre le départ du Vendée Globe 2020 à la barre d'un monocoque doté de capteurs ultra-sophistiqués qui lui permettent d'allier passion pour la voile et protection de l'environnement. Portrait en vidéo.

De l'École doctorale au métier d'entrepreneur social*

À 23 ans et tout juste diplômée du master recherche en Science politique, mention politique comparée, Anne-Sophie Roux a fondé la première start-up sociale pour reconstruire et protéger les barrières de corail du monde entier.

Vous vous sentez intéressé par la fonction publique mais vous manquez d'information sur ses voies d'accès ? Retrouvez les conseils de recruteurs du MEAE, de la DGAFP et du Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Do you wish to work in management consulting after your studies at Sciences Po? CaseCoach offers courses, interview analyses, and case studies to help you prepare.
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